Hello everyone! Leif here!

Here I am stuck in the piano legs at Grandma and Grandpa Hanson's. It's been a busy month! With Daddy not working this month and Mommy done with the Boards, we had lots of time to travel to see family! We went to Rapid City then Minot and stopped in Fargo on the way back home. It was the longest road trip I've ever done. I made sure we stopped a lot to stretch our legs, eat, and change my diaper. Other than the driving, we had a great time! I even went on a hike!
I've been learning a lot this month also! I can give kisses (I don't quite get the smooching part but I lean in with my mouth open), clap my hands (I know what "clap hands" means and also clap sometimes when you tell me "good job"), give high fives, crawl really fast, and climb stairs. I am also good at coming up with new facial expressions. I really like my Gerber snacks and Cheerios...life is good! Okay, here are the pictures...
Letting cousin Riley's wild bunny go free--he didn't want to leave quite yet!

Our family while frisbee golfing with family in Red Wing

I'm ready for our trip! (yes, I was strapped in my car seat, don't worry)

Grandma and Grandpa got me a new Strider bike (invented by a local Rapid City guy)! I just need to grow a little bit and will then be able to walk with it. I will most likely never need training wheels with learning on this bike!

Mommy and Daddy went on a hike with Grandpa to "Hippy Hole." Not many tourists know about this location in the Black Hills!

Hiking "Sunday's Gulch" near Sylvan Lake...I got to ride on Daddy's back for 2 1/2 hours!

I did really well on the hike and even slept for the first 45 minutes or so...

Many tall rock formations

Mommy and Grandpa

Mommy was tempted to go through this narrow passageway but decided against it!

In Minot with Grandma at Kinsey's softball game!

Grandpa coaches Kinsey's team

Visiting with Great-Grandma and Grandpa Sevig...four generations!

I like grass!

I really liked Great-Grandpa's walker, especially the wheels! I followed him around the living room and tried to climb up it.

Back home, learning how to roll balls to Daddy

I love knocking my books off my shelf.

That's it for now!
Cute pictures as always! I can't wait to see you all sometime during the holidays. Hope the rest of the summer is as fun as the first part looks!
Oh fun! Thanks for the update Leif! Your such a great writer.
LOVE your sweet little smile and amazing hair...oh fine, just LOVE YOU! (and your mommy & daddy too)
Hope to see you all soon.
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