Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Being a mom...

I just want to take this opportunity to share a funny story...

Bjørn had just left to go play hockey for the evening. I set Leif on my lap at the computer desk, with my hand supporting his butt. He was content, and I proceeded to type up an email. Well, I didn't get very far...all of a sudden I heard the typical squirting sounds that indicate that Leif is filling his diaper. However, not only was he filling his diaper, but he was filling my hand as well! Yep...poop was leaking out the side of his diaper. I quickly grabbed the crumpled napkin that was fortunately sitting on the desk to catch what I could and raced him upstairs to his changing table! Fortunately, most of it went into his diaper and on my jeans and not on the chair or floor. Even his onesie remained clean for the most part. Not only that, but his poop doesn't really smell that much...I'm expecting that it'll worsen quite a bit when he starts eating solid foods!

Before I had Leif, I dreaded the thousands of diapers to change and the constant crying...but I have found that I don't mind it so much. He's just too darn cute! We are discovering more and more about his little personality with just his little cries, facial expressions, etc. I actually thought this leakage incident was quite humorous and since I didn't have Bjørn there to laugh at me, I had to laugh at myself and share this with you, the reader.

I know there will be many more poopy incidents, along with wetting the bed, vomiting, and peeing on the floor, but hey, being a mom is the best! I wouldn't trade it for the world:)

P.S. Leif rolled over by himself for the first time today and he now weighs around 12 lbs!
P.P.S. I have been discovering lots of lint between his toes and fingers (where does it come from!? I suppose he kicks and moves around a lot!) along with the smell of stinky feet...I think we need to bathe him more than once or twice a week. I thought that more than that would dry out his skin too much, but I suppose cleanliness is important too!