Another neat thing I've gotten to do is donate 400 ounces of breast milk to the International Breast Milk Project...25% of the milk is sent to Africa to those infants that live in poverty, many of them having mothers that are HIV+, and the rest of it goes to NICU centers throughout the nation for premature infants. I was so excited to be able to do this...praise God! It's such a neat thing to be able to directly help with the efforts to fight HIV and hunger in Africa!
Bjørn isn't working this month and probably won't be until the end of July as it's slower now at the Flint Hills oil refinery. He worked in March-end of May on night shifts again--during this time, he worked 25 straight days with no time off, all 10-12 hour shifts! I don't know how he does it! Needless to say, it was nice to get all the overtime so he can spend some time off now! It was helpful having him at home while I studied the past couple weeks. While he was working, Leif was at our baby-sitter's in the mornings.
Leif has learned so much since March! He is now 8 months old and is getting around! He crawls and pulls himself up on furniture now, which he finds super exciting! He slowly works his way around our table. He's been getting on his knees, scooting, and rolling around for over a month now, but in just the past week or so he's gotten the coordination down with his legs to officially crawl! Time to baby-proof the place!
We can see the incisal edge of his lower tooth now along with evidence of the second one also. Leif also likes to click his tongue, tear up paper, get his hands in his food and squish it between his fingers, and his Baby Einstein movies. He loves to bang on everything!! He thinks it's funny when we pretend to "blow out" the lights (turn them off and on), and he likes swatting Daddy in the face because it makes Daddy fall down. We apologize if he tries to hit anybody...
Okay, here are the pictures!
Leif loves pulling himself up now! The hockey table has a perfect grip around the edges for him.

Seven month old pictures taken when we were in Fargo. Thanks, Alissa N.!

Trying to reach his snake
Oops! Leif fell down but then realized he could reach his snake easier this way!

Leif's favorite spot to be is under the table.
A kiss for everybody!
Leif showing his turtles how to get up on their toes
Future hockey player?
Leif likes Daddy's cooler.
Leif helps me with the laundry. I fold it, put it in the basket, and he takes it out and unfolds it. It's a very efficient system!

Chilling with his snake...and yes, snakes can have legs! We looked up pictures online...

He still has his fuzzy hair and a natural mohawk in the back...I love it!
We got a new carseat for him! He'll be able to use it until he's 100 lbs! He likes it--he sat in it for a long time! Bjørn said it can be Leif's Nintendo chair...I don't know about that!
Why hello there!
In Fargo for Aunt Kayla's graduation from Minnesota State University (English major)--good job, Kayla!
Our family...Bjørn had to work this weekend. Kevin, Kayla's fiance, took the picture. He also graduated this weekend from Minnesota State Community and Technical College from the same program that Bjørn did in carpentry.
We got to see our new little nephew/cousin baby Micah! He was born on April 14th.
Pretty trees in our student housing complex (our building is behind this one).
Leif has upgraded to the big bathtub since this picture. We knew it was time when he kept trying to crawl out of this one! He has also discovered the wonders of pulling the plug. He loves splashing and doesn't mind when he gets a face full of water!

Can't wait to see you all again soon! He's just changing too fast. So happy you are done with the Boards so you can start your summer now! Love you all :)
Awesome pics!! I'm so glad you guys are doing well and that Leif is morphing quite well into our crazy family. :)
Love you all! See you soon. :)
I laughed audibly at some of these pictures. I especially like when Bjorn dresses Leif up in hockey gear and the one with toys stacked on his head. He is so so cute. I'm going to show all my friends. I've saved the pictures for now, and the quality might be ok. So don't feel rushed to make a CD for me. I can get that whenever. I saw pictures of Leif at the zoo with DJ on JoAnna's facebook page. That looked fun!
I'm glad you're done with your boards and can relax now, and that you feel confident about them. Yay! Enjoy your first week off! So you and Bjorn both don't have to work for a month, right? That's awesome!
Hey guys! The new pics are SO cute, as always. I can't believe Leif is 8 months old already! Time flies when you're having fun, right? I can't wait to get back to the Cities in a couple of weeks and hang out for a bit. Maybe take in a Twins game together? I'm glad you're all able to finally enjoy the summer! Love from Michigan! :)
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