Hey, everybody (Leif speaking)! March has been a busy, fun month for me as I've learned so much! Mommy & Daddy bought a jogging stroller, and we finally have been able to take it out a few times--Mommy tells me she's excited to use it this summer (she has no classes this summer so will get to spend lots of time with me!). I'm going to be her coach--she'll run while I sit back, relax, and tell her to speed up!
I'm getting big and strong: I can roll over completely both ways and can also sit now without any help! Mommy is still hesitant to leave my side though because I tend to tip if I wave my arms too much! I can stand really well too as long as someone has a hand to back me up. I really like textures, dancing, and grabbing my toes. I'm starting to grow teeth as well (Mommy says my primary mandibular central incisors will erupt soon), so that has been uncomfortable. I chew my fingers and drool a lot. I also discovered that I can get people's attention by coughing. It's kind of a habit now, especially when I get excited!
Another big change has been having baby-sitters in the mornings as Daddy is working again! He is building scaffolding again at the Flint Hills oil refinery. Mommy brings me to one lady's house on Tuesdays and Thursdays and another on Wednesdays (Daddy doesn't work Fridays yet and Mommy doesn't have class on Mondays!)--it's really nice because they both live in student housing so we don't have to drive anywhere! They both are really nice and have a kid I can play with.
Well, the pictures tell the rest! (Start from the bottom and work your way up.)
I'm getting big and strong: I can roll over completely both ways and can also sit now without any help! Mommy is still hesitant to leave my side though because I tend to tip if I wave my arms too much! I can stand really well too as long as someone has a hand to back me up. I really like textures, dancing, and grabbing my toes. I'm starting to grow teeth as well (Mommy says my primary mandibular central incisors will erupt soon), so that has been uncomfortable. I chew my fingers and drool a lot. I also discovered that I can get people's attention by coughing. It's kind of a habit now, especially when I get excited!
Another big change has been having baby-sitters in the mornings as Daddy is working again! He is building scaffolding again at the Flint Hills oil refinery. Mommy brings me to one lady's house on Tuesdays and Thursdays and another on Wednesdays (Daddy doesn't work Fridays yet and Mommy doesn't have class on Mondays!)--it's really nice because they both live in student housing so we don't have to drive anywhere! They both are really nice and have a kid I can play with.
Well, the pictures tell the rest! (Start from the bottom and work your way up.)
I love hanging upside down! Daddy can always make me laugh!

At cousin Riley's 3rd birthday party. We are best buddies! I'm not so sure about this stuff yet!
It's fun to be messy!
My first "solid" food! Rice cereal + milk! I started eating it on March 24th.
Mommy played her violin for me! Someday she can teach me!
Another mirror
I really like mirrors!
Grandma and Grandpa came to visit me for a few days!
Snuggling with giraffe after bathtime
Taking a snooze with the blankie Grandma made me
Mommy and Daddy went skiing with Uncle Jeff (he's a ski instructor)...I wanted to give it a try.
Daddy and I like to do boyish stuff like build forts!
Jumping in my Johnny-Jumper!
My first game of Rook. It's a Sevig family tradition!
To pooped to play
Visiting with Aunt Kayla and Kevin in Fargo