Hello, everyone--we did not forget about you! The past couple of months have been a busy whirlwind! Alissa has been preoccupied with learning all kinds of things...local anesthetic injections, drug interactions, oral cancer...but you don't want to hear about all that! Bjørn is still loving being a stay-at-home daddy. He will most likely start working again in March, so we're keeping our fingers crossed for finding good child care!
First pair of shoes (totally not functional yet but aren't they cute?)
In the meantime, Leif is growing, growing, growing (15 lbs. and over 2 feet tall)! We are having so much fun with him. He is quite the "talker" and is always reaching for things now. It won't be long before he rolls over with ease (back to belly) and sits on his own. He enjoys his pacifier but is also fond of his index and middle fingers--we think he's starting to teeth as he is quite the drooler. Bjørn can really get him to laugh by giving him whisker rubs with his face. Here are the pictures after Christmas!
Leif is quite flexible!

We went to Fargo over Valentine's day weekend to meet our new little niece, Kate Elise. We had a great time seeing the Nelsons, Auntie Kayla and future-Uncle Kevin, and some friends.
Kate and Leif...already buddies!
Cousin Stuart is also letting Leif borrow his Twins hat since he outgrew it...we can't wait for this summer to go to a game!