Happy Holidays! December flew by! Leif will be 3 mos. old on Sat. which is hard to believe! He is much more interactive now, and is sleeping through the night (almost). He got his first round of shots a few weeks ago, and he was a trooper (cried then slept all day). He loves to blow bubbles, and smiles and squeals at us when we imitate him. He has rolled over a few times now on his own (belly to back), and he loves to kick!
Alissa finished off her semester well, and Bjørn continues to enjoy being home and is starting up the next season of hockey games. Over the holidays, we traveled to Fargo and Minot. We saw many people from both sides of family and some old friends, which was fun! It was Leif's first long trip, and he did very well! It was so cute watching cousins Stuart and Riley try to help with taking care of "Baby Leif" as well!